Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Some tips to exercise effectively

You exercise to be healthy and to lose weight, but how to get the highest efficiency? That is the reason why many people wonder after exercising a long time without having positive results.

Three following things you should pay attention at the beginning.

1. Exercise should be simple

Many people think that the more exercises are complex, the more their weight is lost. It is wrong because the amount of fat reduces based on the time you move but not the difficulty of the movements.

A simple exercise is only simple when you use a large muscle in a continuous process with rhythm. For example, walking, jumping rope, jogging, cycling are all simple, efficient and easy to use for women with dynamic job and schedule is not fixed.

2. Let the body comfortable

An important thing in any exercise is the intensity. It is necessary for you to start your exercises with the comfortable steps.

Two ways to test you are really comfortable to exercise or not are to measure heartbeat and voice. To measure your heartbeat, take your pulse immediately after completing the exercise. Count the beats for 10 seconds, then rest for a while and count the beats for 1 minute.

If your heartbeat a stable from 55% to 80% of the estimated highest heart rate (220 minus your age), assure that you are practicing in a scientific way.

Voice test is simpler than to heartbeat rate. Just practice at level that allows you both speak and exercise.

3. The basic conditions

How long do you exercise a time? If your health is normal, you should practice three to four times per week. If you want to lose weight fast, you should exercise every day except for weekend so that you are able to relax and have fun.

How long does each exercise should last? If you do not have any health problems, just move continuously from 20 to 45 minutes. People who want to lose weight need exercise more, from 45 - 60 minutes to burn the necessary energy.

How exercise conditions are good? A good exercise is to impact on the entire body including the arms, chest, back, abdomen, hips and calves. Unless you just want to have a quick impact on a particular part, it's best to exercise whole body.

If you want to exercise but you are so busy and you cannot go to the gym, visit our website at cross trainers, treadmills Sydney, treadmills Melbourne, commercial treadmill, treadmills, treadmill,treadmills Perth to buy the best exercise machine for you.

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